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Джефф Провензано - экстремал, чувство страха у которого отбито напрочь. Прямое тому доказательство - реклама года, в которой он выпал из самолета вместе с гостиной

Выпрыгивать из самолета можно не только с парашютом, но и с мобильной платформой, на которой установлены телевизор, игровая приставка, диван, тумбочки, музыкальный инструмент (туба - для тех, кто в теме), акустическая система, и даже кот.

Читай также: Шоссейный экстрим: 5 чокнутых трюков на байке

Приземление было жестким и печальным, но только для платформы и прикрепленных к ней предметов. Сам Джефф и его котик остались целы и невредимы (в момент Х отстегнулись и приземлялись уже с помощью парашюта). Смотри, как это было, и чем это закончилось:

  • в ходе съемки никто не пострадал

Джефф не представляет своей жизни без парашютов и экстрима. Поэтому пол-жизни он постоянно проводит в воздухе:


Remember those ads about killing your tv? Yeah, well this is not it. This is what it looks like when you ride a living room and watch TV in freefall for a #nvidia commercial #rulethelivingroom 📷 by #JoeJennings We did however, destroy this TV and everything else along with it. Video link in bio 👆

A photo posted by jeff provenzano (@jeffprovenzano) on


One of the most popular questions I'm always asked... What's the most beautiful place to go skydiving? It's such a difficult question to answer because there are so many but this is definitely one of them. Hawaii. The north shore of Oahu. Absolutely amazing !!! This is me and Jon hopping out onto our backs for a little bit of free flying. @redbullairforce #givesyouwings #skydive #northshore

A photo posted by jeff provenzano (@jeffprovenzano) on


In 20 years of skydiving I've made some pretty epic jumps with many amazing people in lots of awesome places but nothing will ever top taking mom (bottom) and dad (top) tandem, attached to me, on their first skydives. They showed me their world and I showed them mine. It's not quite the same thing but I am so happy they experienced first hand, why their crazy son does the things he does. Thanks mom and dad for all the love and support. #family #mom #dad #skydive 📷 by #sonic

A photo posted by jeff provenzano (@jeffprovenzano) on


Flying is incredible. And I'm not talking about sitting inside of an airplane which is like comparing swimming to being in a boat. There is no way to accurately describe it if you have never gone skydiving or flown in a wind tunnel. Don't wait any longer. Find your nearest skydiving center or iFly wind tunnel and go for it. Then you will truly understand what it means to fly. #givesyouwings

A photo posted by jeff provenzano (@jeffprovenzano) on


Good to be back!! #homesweeethome #eloy @skydivearizona @redbullaz #givesyouwings

A photo posted by jeff provenzano (@jeffprovenzano) on


Top 3 things I love about this photo 1.Chasing Kebe on his skyboard 2.Sideflying and 3.Jumping in my underwear 📷 by @amychmelecki #skysurfing @pullinstagram

A photo posted by jeff provenzano (@jeffprovenzano) on


The world of @redbull has introduced me to many awesome and inspiring people who are living their dreams like @rickiefowler who inspired me to play a little golf, but I can't seem to keep the ball on the fairway. Congratulations to Rickie for an amazing 2016 season and #winning #playerschampionship Good luck at #rydercup2016 and #rio2016 Olympics! #redbullathlete #givesyouwings

A video posted by jeff provenzano (@jeffprovenzano) on


Andy Farrington @chexmachine ripping his way right past everyone into first place. For the second year in a row, the kid dominates #redbullaces 2015. #givesyouwings @redbull

A photo posted by jeff provenzano (@jeffprovenzano) on



A video posted by jeff provenzano (@jeffprovenzano) on


Look ma. No hands :) @redbullaz #swooping #ghostrider #freestyle @skydivearizona #arizona #swoopingisnotacrime @fiveten_official

A video posted by jeff provenzano (@jeffprovenzano) on

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