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Любительница спорта, фитнеса, активного образа жизни и бикини, Николь Меджиа чуть не стала медсестрой. Но передумала, и выбрала профессию модели. Спасибо тебе, Николь

Николь Меджиа уже в 9 лет попала во флоридскую детскую сборную по плаванию. И пробыла там, пока не окончила среднюю школу. Также красотка преуспевала и в обычной учебе. Результат - окончание колледжа с отличием.

Читай также: Красотка дня: фитнес-модель София Миакова

Затем Николь подалась в мед.училище. Но в конце концов поняла, что это не ее призвание. Поэтому после первого семестра бросила это гиблое дело, и пошла работать моделью.

В одном из интервью барышня призналась:

“Подруге нужна была модель для портфолио. Она мне предложила, а я не отказалась, так как всегда мечтала заниматься чем-то вроде этого“.

После сего красотку тут же заметили фотографы, и начали звать на гламурные фотосессии. За этим пошли предложения модельных агентств, брендов женского белья и т.д.

Красотка дня: аппетитная Николь Меджиа

Красотка дня: аппетитная Николь Меджиа


Читай также: Красотка дня: голливудская супер-актриса Megan Fox

Сегодня Николь Меджиа не только снимается в рекламных кампаниях, но и часто появляется в музыкальных клипах (Verse Simmond’s “Boo Thing”, Pitbull и Крис Браун “International Love”, Kanye West and Jay Z’s “Nigga’s in Paris”). А еще барышня проводит workout-тренировки в одежде компании “Blue Body Brazil”, являясь также лицом их бренда.

В октябре 2013 года Николь запустила свою кампанию “Get Fit and Thick”, где она ведет оздоровительный и фитнес-блоги, подписки, доступные занятия по фитнесу, и ее собственный фитнес-класс, который она начала преподавать в Майами.

Кстати, смотри, как тренируется Николь Меджиа:

Читай также: Красотка дня: ливерпульская модель Эбби Клэнси

Модель надеется представить свежий взгляд на фитнес. Она считает, что здоровый образ жизни изменяет тело и жизнь в целом. Именно благодаря этому барышня выглядит аппетитно, сексуально, и всегда привлекает внимание сильной половины населения планеты. Смотри лучшие фото Николь Меджиа:

Лучшие фото красотки из Instagram:


Tis the season for thick thighs and pumpkin pies😋 Filling out my curves for the holidays and loving every extra inch and pound because of what it signifies: That I skipped a few gym sessions to allow my mind and body some down time and ate past my fill celebrating life with my family. If the choice came down to getting a workout in or going to the movies with my family and eating our body weight in sour candy, well, you can guess how that went.😊 Find a healthy balance this holiday season. You can always lose those extra pounds and make up your missed workouts, but precious family time and memories like these come but once a year.🎄💫⚖ #tistheseason #itsthemostwonderfultimeoftheyear #canyoutellchristmasismyfavoriteholiday #fitandthick #findingbalance

A photo posted by Nicole Mejia (@nicole_mejia) on


In my favorite @bluebodybrazil_fit leggings 💙#bluebunda #fitandthick

A photo posted by Nicole Mejia (@nicole_mejia) on


Throw back with @martin_depict And a huge “thank you“ to you sir for helping us get our subscriptions launched! Welcome to the team! 😁🍾

A photo posted by Nicole Mejia (@nicole_mejia) on


We all have differences, flaws, imperfections-things that make us different. Differences that make us, well, us. I mean, who would we be if not for those differences that we try so hard to change and mold to the likes of someone else? What would happen if you simply viewed your “flaws“ as features on your body, no different from the color of your eyes or the curve of your smile. Yes, they're part of you but that doesn't mean that they have to entirely define you. Why should my small boobs affect anything in my life other than the size of the bras that lay in my drawer? The cellulite on the back of my legs will get no excess amount of thought or energy because no matter how lean I get, these are my butt and thighs and that cellulite truly is “attached at the hip“. You see, it's all about the way you view things. It's all about your perspective. Ever heard of the power of thought? The immense power within you that can be accessed by tapping into the part of your mind that plays on repeat? If what you play on repeat when you think about your flaws is negative, then negative is what they will always be. Do you think that the feelings of hate and disgust that you've been feeling about a body part or a specific feature are going to go away when you lose the weight or finally make that physical change? Changing the physical is only half of it and it should be the part that you tackle after you've dealt with YOU first. Sit down and look yourself in the mirror. It's time to change the way you feel about your flaws. It's time to accept them. You can never get to where you want to go without first acknowledging your starting point. And from where I'm sitting, no matter how bad off you think that you are, everyone has to start somewhere. #createnewhabits #fitandthick #stayfitwithin

A photo posted by Nicole Mejia (@nicole_mejia) on


Because GOALS. Getfitandthick.com #fitandthick

A photo posted by Nicole Mejia (@nicole_mejia) on


Repost from @getfitandthick Sneak peak from my shoot with @13o5 📷 #tinybutmighty Getfitandthick.com

A photo posted by Nicole Mejia (@nicole_mejia) on


I've always been drawn to the water. Beach, pool, bath- it doesn't matter. If I'm in it, I feel free and relaxed. As its beginning to “cool off“ here in Miami, I'm realizing that besides for a few photo shoots, I haven't been to the beach this summer. The one place where I feel completely at ease has been the one place that I've failed to schedule time for. I'm at a place in my life right now where I'm trying to press fast forward and hit the breaks at the same time, attempting to squeeze as much as I can into every moment of every day. In the meantime, the moments that I should be cherishing, are slipping away. I feel like I'm too busy and distracted to fully experience things in the present, and chances are, so are you. When was the last time you dropped your to-do list and did something to nurture the parts of you that can't be tended to through making lists and checking things off of it? We all need to set goals and work at achieving them, but we also need to breath. Slow down. Take a beat. Read a book. Just do nothing. Every once in a while, we need a moment to let our minds process and digest the things that we've been through, what we're currently going through and what we have planned for our futures. If not, it's all just meaningless motion. Our lives become a series of events that we rush to get to and then never fully experience. We're never fully in the present because we're always so focused on the tasks of tomorrow. This weekend I'm rooting myself in the present and putting things into perspective. Im promising myself that I'm going to feel the sun on my face, bury my nose in a book, and dip my toes in the ocean... and I think you should join me.🌊

A photo posted by Nicole Mejia (@nicole_mejia) on

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